Our Lady & St Patricks

A family of faith called to live and share the joy of the Gospel

Holy Orders

Ordination takes place within a Mass and is presided over by a Bishop who ordains. The Word of God is proclaimed. After this the candidate for ordination is formerly presented to the Bishop usually by a member of staff from the seminary responsible for his formation, then a homily follows.

During the right of Ordination we invoke the prayers of the saints and then the Bishop lays hands silently over the candidate, other priests present do this too, after which the bishop prays over the man.

When this prayer has been said, the man is a priest. He is then vested in a stole and chasuble sometimes by family or friends, his hands are then anointed with chrism and he is handed the chalice and patten as signs of his ministry at the altar. After this he is embraced in the kiss of peace by the Bishop and then all priests present as a sign of brotherhood. The new priest then joins his brothers in the priesthood for the rest of the Mass.



 Sacraments, Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, MatrimonyAnointing of the sick 


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