St Patrick's Cemetery: Philip our grave digger has pointed out that there is very little space in our cemetery for new graves. It is therefore necessary to change our previous policy of providing graves to non-parishioners. From now on new graves will only be provided to people who are parishioners of Our Lady & St Patrick’s and to those people who, while not living within the parish, have made this parish their regular place of worship.
Also, edging stones are not permitted according to diocesan regulations, even though this is commonly known, edgings have been installed around some graves without any permission being sought or given. From now on edgings may only be installed once the grave is full and/or there is NO FUTURE INTENTION TO REOPEN THE GRAVE.
As all will understand, the cemetery should pay for itself and costs do not get any cheaper. The list of costs and fees for the cemetery has had to be revised and updated and is posted at the back of church. A copy is also available here.
Parish of Our Lady & St Patrick,
Monuments, Memorials and Headstone
(a) The Parish reserves the right to remove any headstone or other memorial stone erected without the approval of the Parish Priest.
(b) Approval by the Parish Priest of the style and wording of a memorial must be given, and the appropriate fees paid before the memorial is erected. (Approval is customarily sought by the Stonemasons charged with the work.)
All Memorial Masons entering the cemetery to undertake any work must first call at the Presbytery to inform that work is being undertaken. If there is no one in the Presbytery a note must be posted through the letterbox to advise that work is taking place in the Graveyard.
ALL work in the cemetery requires permission from the Parish Priest, or his representative, in order for work to begin. This includes, repair work, additional inscriptions etc.
(c) The owners of graves are required to keep all monuments and memorials in repair, good order and in a safe condition. In default of this regulation the Parish may at their discretion remove the same, lay it down or place it in a manner which will prevent injury or harm being caused to users of the Cemetery.
(d) Memorial headstones not exceeding 4’6” in height (measured from ground level) are only allowed in the Cemetery.
(e) Headstones may only be erected by Memorial Masons registered with the Local Council and will be erected to the National Association of Memorial Masons standard.
(f) The section and number of the grave shall be cut in every memorial.
(g) All headstones shall be finished before they are admitted to the cemetery, work upon a memorial unless it is erecting, dismantling, or cutting an additional inscription within the Cemetery is prohibited.
(h) Masons will be held responsible and charged a re-instatement cost for any damage done by them whilst in the cemetery.
(i) No wooden or plastic memorials will be allowed in the cemetery. Exemption is made for the traditional placing of a simple wooden cross to mark the grave after burial until the erection of a permanent memorial.
(j) All headstones and other memorials will be erected and remain at the owner’s sole risk and the Parish shall not be held responsible for any damage that may occur.
(k) All rubbish, stones, soil and other materials left after the erection of a headstone must be removed immediately after the completion of the work and all works must be done to the satisfaction of the Parish Priest.
(l) Grave kerbstones or edgings may not be installed around a grave until the grave is full and there is no intention of further burials, whether bodies or ashes in the said grave.
Fr Cribben's Headstone:
| click on the picture to see a larger image | Fr Cribben's headstone has now been erected. A very fine token of the esteem and respect of all our parishioners. I am sure that you will agree that the memorial stands well and proud as it is and that to crowd it round with plants etc. would take away from its natural simplicity and dignity. The greatest offering we can give to Fr Cribben's memory is our prayer. We respectfully ask all, therefore, to not place plants near the grave; a single vase for flowers is now situated near the memorial. |
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